Professional Development

Professional Development:

2015 Oct 16                          MLE Observation - Hobsonville Point Primary School

Visit and observation of the roles teachers and students play in an MLE.  Opportunities to ask questions about the philosophies that underpin the planning and structure of learning at the school.

Looking at one of the immersion journeys the students take on. I witnessed them involved in looking at how stories have evolved and changed over time and the immersion stage of Maori myth and legend as part of Art integrated with Literacy and Change.

2015 Sep 24/Oct 1                Running Records - Joan Hobbs

University of Waikato - Learning about running records session - 4 hours

2015 Sep. 3                           EduigniteHautapu
Attended an evening run by educators for educators, focused on education and sharing personal and professional passions.

2015  January                        Kiwi Swim Safe - Safety in the Water
Attended and participated in a kiwi swim safe professional development    workshop. A swimming, water safety, beach safety and critical thinking   programme.       

Research Participation:

2015                                       Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research                                                                 The University of Waikato

An active participant in focus group discussions for the Strengthening mathematical thinking and reasoning proficiency in primary teacher education Teaching and Learning Research Initiative project.

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